What are far infrared rays?

Sunlight consists of different wave lengths of light. The complete electromagnetic spectrum consists of visible and invisible rays.  The visible rays are red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue, and violet in color, known as rainbow colors. When combined they produce the "white light" that we experience every day. The invisible rays are Ultra Violet, X-rays, Gamma, Cosmic, Microwave, Long Wave, Electrical Wave, and Infrared. Infrared waves are between visible light and the microwave rays. Our sun produces most of its energy output in the infrared segment of the spectrum. Infrared light is in this spectrum's lower range, and although its rays aren't visible to the naked eye, it generates the warmth we feel on bright sunny days.
The wavelength of infrared waves vary from 0.76 micron to 1,000 microns. Near infrared (0.76 to 1.5microns), mid infrared (1.5 to 4 microns), and far infrared (4 to 1,000 microns). While these rays share the attributes listed below, they are most noticeable in far infrared waves.
Radiation: Infrared rays radiate or spread from a localized source.
Penetration: Unlike visible light, infrared rays can deeply penetrate skin and the underlying tissues up to 3.75 - 7 cm (approx. 1.5 to 2.8 inches)
Resonance: Infrared rays naturally generate heat by causing the body's molecules to rapidly vibrate against each other. 

Infrared & health: The relationship

One of the characteristics of Far-Infrared Rays (FIR) is how easily this light is able to penetrate through human tissue. When this occurs, a natural resonance is created, which has many beneficial properties. Dr. Toshiko Yamazzaki, M.D. Author of “The Science of Far-Infrared Therapies” reports that one of the reasons FIR has such beneficial results in a variety of illnesses is its ability to remove toxins, which happen to be the core of many
FIR Energy causing vibration of water molecules in human body
 health problems. For example, when toxic gases such as carbon dioxide & sulphur dioxide or toxic substances such as lead or mercury meet large water molecules, they are encapsulated by clusters of water in the body. When these toxins accumulate, blood circulation is blocked and cellular energy is impaired. However, when 7 to 14 micron FIR rays are applied, the water begins to vibrate breaking the ion bonds of the atoms held together by the water molecules. As the breakdown of the bond occurs, the encapsulated gases and other toxic substances are released.
In other words, when far infrared rays (FIR) penetrate the skin, they come into contact with proteins, collagen, fats and water molecules. By stimulating micro-vibrations far infrared cause a thermal reaction which elevates tissue temperatures. The human body then reacts by dilating all the blood vessels regardless of size. Tissues are revitalized because of the improved (micro & macro) circulation.
FIR therapy has been used for over thirty years to treat patients with various health problems and have exhibited positive results. These conditions include but are not limited to: TMJ, arthritis, high blood pressure, benign prostrate hypertrophy, high cholesterol, pain, hemorrhoids, cystitis, gastritis, asthma and bronchitis, sore throat, muscle tension, muscle spasms, adhesions on cold hands and feet, poor skin tone, acne, body odor, eczema and psoriasis. FIR light therapy is considered to be harmless and can be found on the market today. Studies have shown that the patients have displayed minimal to almost no side effects and produced various positive results. It does so by reducing the sensitivity of the neural pathways of the nervous system, triggering the body to release endorphins, natural morphine-like substances known to block and reduce pain.

FIR can actually increase the regenerative ability of the body tissue. It also reduces abnormalities in nervous system and helps the autonomous system function at optimum level. Scientists continue to study infrared wavelengths of light improve their understanding of its therapeutic effects on our bodies. FIR is rapidly gaining worldwide recognition and acclaim as a complimentary medical and alternative therapy treatment.

Circulation promotes good health

An important principle of traditional Chinese medicine is that good blood circulation promotes good health. Conversely, an obstructed blood flow will increase the likelihood of disease and pain. Other ancient Asian therapies such as the Japanese "Palm Therapy" and China's "Qi GongTherapy" are also based on the premise that the human body itself, is capable of radiating Far Infrared rays.
Infrared therapy 
has proven to be effective because its "hot rays" exhibit analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic capabilities. Therefore, Far Infrared products are useful in the treatment of sub-acute or chronic inflammations, and for trauma, scar adhesions and nerve pain. 

Does poor lighting risk health?

Yes, according to renowned photo biologist 
John Ott, who is a pioneer in the study of the biological effects of light. He has discovered that light containing the full wavelength spectrum found in natural sunlight is necessary for our optimum well-being. In fact, he contends that inadequate light poses a serious health threat.
Most artificial lighting, such as incandescent or fluorescent, doesn't have the complete balanced spectrum of natural sunlight, Dr. Ott believes poor light causes a condition which he calls, "mal-illumination." He suggests insufficient light, could be as devastating to the body as malnutrition.
Whenever vital wavelengths are missing in the light we receive, our bodies are unable to completely absorb certain nutrients. Consequently, our body is malnourished, even though we are eating properly. Dr. Ott thinks "mal illumination" can cause 
depression, fatigue and impaired immune function. Other symptoms may be skin damage and loss of hair.
Dr. John Downing, of the Preventative Medical Center in San Rafael, California has been conducting clinical studies on the effects of light for 20 years. He states, "We cause or worsen a wide range of health problems by spending 90% of our lives indoors under inadequate lighting conditions."
The author, Dr. Jacob Liberman, of LIGHT MEDICINE OF THE FUTURE, describes the body as a living photocell, stimulated and regulated by light. "Our lives, our health and well-being are truly dependent on the sun. The human body is nourished directly by the stimulation of sunlight or indirectly nourished by eating foods, drinking fluids, or breathing air that's been vitalized by the sun's light energy."

Dependency on Light:

For centuries, scientists have known that plants are dependent upon sunlight for photosynthesis. However, only recently have they recognized similarities between humans and plants in their dependence upon light.

The sun's rays affect vital processes in both people and plants. In humans, photons are the catalyst for the production of sugars, fats, and proteins.

Photons stimulate our endocrine system, our metabolic processes and enzyme reactions as well as activities in the brain. When this connection is disturbed, disorders follow. Enzymes in the body's cells, which should normally be activated, fail to receive the proper wave lengths of light. Instead, the cells remain dormant, and are unable to begin normal, cellular metabolic reactions. This results in lower cellular energy, glandular insufficiencies and a lessened ability to burn fats and eliminate toxins.

This alternative pain relief healing treatment is based on the application of far infrared rays along with some acupressure effect on various points in our body which removes any blockages in our nervous system. As the roots of our nervous system are connected with our spinal cord, we cover the basic 15 main acupressure points (On & around Spinal Cord & Stomach) in our body with this therapy due to which it is also called 15 Pressure Point Therapy.

Far Infrared Rays is perfect for person(s) with Parkinson decease. 

A service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health

Detailed Description: 

1. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behaviour severe enough to affect work, lifelong hobbies or social life. Alzheimer's gets worse over time and it is fatal.

2. Alzheimer's which has no current cure, is the most common form of dementia. It is hereby postulated that far infrared radiation of the central nervous and endocrine systems will help with the management of the disease and possibly cure the disease.

> Eligibility

Genders Eligible for study:      Both
Accept Health Volunteers:      No
Inclusion Criteria:

* People with Alzheimer's disease

Exclusion Criteria:


> Contact and Locations
Please refer to this study by its ClinicalTrails.gov identifier: NCT00599469


Canada, Ontario
The Centre for Incurable Diseases
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4V 1L5
15 Points and Benefits
1st POINT:  Heals back pain, Knee pain, Kidney stone, Kidney problems, Cholesterol, Skin problems, Arthritis, Disc problem, Balance Ability, Strength & Stamina, Blood circulation, Blood Production

2nd POINT:  Heals Stomach problems, Ulcer, hernia, Appendices, Intestine problems, Gas problems & Weight Reduction

3rd POINT:  Heals Diabetes, Gall bladder stone, Liver problems, Jaundice

4th POINT:  Heals Wheezing problems, Asthma, TB, Breathing problem, Bronchitis problem

5th POINT:  Heals Heart Problem, Vein Problem

6th POINT: Heals Shoulder Pain, High Blood Pressure, Low Blood Pressure

7th POINT:  Heals Shoulder pain, Hand numbness, Hand blood circulation

8th POINT:  Heals ENT Problems, Sinus, Thyroid, Brain Cell growth, memory power, Head ache, eye pressure

9th POINT:  Same as 1st Point

10th POINT:  Heals Knee pain, Foot burning, Foot Pain, numbness, weak leg nerves

11th POINT:  Heals Prostrate Gland, Testis, Ovaries, urine infection, urinary bladder problems

12th POINT:  Heals Piles, Fistula, Back problems, Constipation, Prostate Gland

13th POINT:  Same as 3rd Point

14th POINT:  Same as 2nd Point

15th POINT:  Heals abdominal problems, ulcer, Uterus, Irregular menses, white discharge & itching problems 

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