Treatment of Patients by CERAGEM (FIR) Far Infrared Rays

Two-month period was chosen to treat 80 patients: 60 women and 20 men, from 08/05/2008 to 07/07/2008. Average age of the patients was 52, from 5 to 83 years. The default massage cycle by the automatic mode of the Ceragem-E was applied, and patients received approximately 60 massages.

15 patients tried few massages just for curiosity or, possibly, planning treatment in the future. Generally, all patients tolerated therapy well, with the exception of three cases: 40 year old man refused to continue therapy because it was not allowed to use alcohol during the treatment period. 73 year old women had a strong pain in her spinal column, which she felt during the therapy. She suffered from severe residual pathology after previous fractures. The internal projector caused pain while touching her spinal line. Another patient - 60 year old women stopped taking procedures after physio-therapeutic reactions that she was afraid of. 

Before staring and at the end of the treatment course all patients have been examined clinically. They were under a systematic control during the whole period of treatment. Special attention was given to the senior patients and those who had such problems as former strokes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, had recent surgical treatment, prosthesis and various injuries. The range of pathological was wide enough and dispersion due to small number of patients. This was the reason why it was complicated to evaluate the impact of the CERAGEM-E treatment of different kind of deceases. The major problems were: disorders of movement apparatus, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Spine pathology dominated in the category of movement apparatus disorders: spondylitis, osteochondrosis, Schmorl hernia and it's post-operational state, multi-directional listhesis, rediculopathy, traumas, low back pain, outcomes of rapid growth (for teenagers). Also arthrosis, paraarticular pathology and myopathy.

Cardiovascular system: general aterosclerosis, angiopathies, hypertony, various hypertension, cardiopathy, myocardial infarction residual pathology, depression.

Sever cases of genitourinary, endocrine, and breathing system.

Two months of observing the therapy, and a close contact with patients allowed to state that: the heating derived from infrared radiation due to epoxy carbon panel's ray accumulation and generation through biologically active points and channels - are capable to generate complex of effects: physiobiologie, biochemical, and psychosomatic response.

Biophysiological  changes in cellular-molecular level are being activated responding to the stimulation through central nervous system (CNS), by unconditional reflex, actually using the organism's own energetic resources. Receptors are cleaned, informative - signal communication is restored.

Retarded Biophysiological mechanisms are reactivated. Quite soon, after 5 - 6 sessions, the general patients' health condition improved, they stated to feel good, "taste for life" has been returned and quality of life changed, and so depression was conquered. Psychotherapeutic effect was evident.

This way to cure depression is effective as emotions and feelings are not choked, blunted (as by using medicament's). 

After more sessions patients somatics improved. Obviously, blood circulation improved in all segments. Metabolism processes were accelerated after body 
received more oxygen supply, nutrients - basic energy resources. 

Step by step discomfort disappeared, symptoms of diseases were reduced (it was obvious after 10 - 12 sessions). Pain disappeared or was reduced significantly. Quality of sleep increased (after 5 - 8 sessions). Thought after 1 - 3 sessions the sleep could get worse. Usually, improvement is sudden. Blood pressure was balanced. Those who had high (180-200 mm) pressure, had decrease in 10 - 20 mm. More dynamic is systolic (upper), less (0 - 10 mm) diastolic (lower) blood pressure. It becomes balanced after longer treatment (30 - 40 sessions). Patients could stop using medicines for a certain period of time, reduce the doses or use them less frequently. Though this is the case, where increase trends should be observed carefully. Initial hypertony (not symptomatic hypertension) is incurable disease.

Positive impact on the cardiovascular deceases therapy was observed. The impact was achieved by spine therapy - thermopressure - puncture. The heart-rate came to its normal level. Extrasystoles became less frequent, more significantly - ventricular Extrasystoles. Breathlessness is lightened. Stenocardic pain, cardialgia passes or become less frequent. Standard methods of treatment can be used as well in these cases. 

The most effective and the fastest impact was on spinal column. This was confirmed by all (100%) patients, who had complaints of that kind. Improvement started right after the first session. Pain and stagnation stopped after 4 - 5  sessions. 20 sessions were enough for the best results. Though, after some time, 1 - 2 months brake there was a need to repeat 2 - 3 sessions to return the positive effect.

REMARK: It is recommended to come back for on-going therapy for the patients who have spinal column problems, or any other pathology related to mobility. For those patients, as a rule, relapses are caused by injuries of the spine, for example, lifting up big weight.

Younger patients were cured more effectively. As we notice, young people, 16 - 20 years old, stated to be healthy after 5 - 6 procedures. They were treated because of pains in various parts of the back, as a result of osteochondrosis, spinal curvatures, too fast growth process, injuries, strains of muscles and chords, A sudden momental cure was in those cases when the therapy restored a vertebrae which was out of the right position. 10 sessions were enough for flared rediculopathy. Considerably effective was the treatment of joint's and paraarticular pathologies, myopath. We notice the faster effectivity, when additional projectors - warmers were applied to the most damaged joints.

A separate case should be pointed out concerning podagra decease. It is possible to use Ceragem for this purpose, through the temperature of the device should be regulated. therapy should start from the body temperature and eventually increase (5 degrees) according to the joint's reaction. It is recommended to use more liquids and, if eye contours are intumescend, to use potassium-sparing diuretics every 3 - 4 days in the morning (e.g. Amiloridum 10 mg). In cases when urine acid salts are excreted in higher amounts and kidneys as well as ureters are irritated, it is recommended to use apsmolytics for a short time (Spazmex, Spazmomen), No - Spa). Unfortunately, not all the joint's treatment cases were successful. If a joint is damaged more that a half, there could be no effect at all. This is good indication for prosthesis. To conclude, our therapy could help a patient to decide whether a surgery treatment is necessary or not.

Therapy had positive impact on other body systems as well. 2 cases have been observed with effective movement rehabilitation after a stroke. 83 year old woman had various strokes in the period of 5 years. She could hardly move by herself. Blood pressure was 180-240 / 100 - 120 mm High after the last stroke. Medicine treatment of blood pressure was not effective enough. Daily blood pressure was not stable, strong fluctuated. Sometimes the pressure dropped to a very low level. The patient herself wanted to try therapy very much, her last hopes were put into it. We started therapy after detailed clinical examination and close monitoring of her state of health. Her blood pressure was 190/105 before the first therapy, after the procedure it dropped to 160/90. Body constraint elapsed as well as the muscle tension and tremors. She became more movable. 40 sessions were tolerated well. Blood pressure stabilizes, reached the limits between 140/80 and 170/90, sudden fluctuations disappeared. The heart rhythm, formerly unstable, became normal. The amount and dosage of medicines were reduced. The patient started to move more, obtained body stability in an upright position. Former paresis passed away. She could walk in her apartment alone, even to make food by herself, became able to meet the household needs, even to go shopping and to church (300 - 500 m distance). 

Another 56 year old man had a stroke half a year ago. His right hand had hemipresis. He could not move his right hand at all. Stationary rehabilitation in the sanatorium was not effective. The very first session was already unexpectedly effective for him - hypertonus of the whole body disappeared, he almost doubled his step speed while walking. Every session diminished the remaining symptoms of stroke. Although previously did not function at all, his right hand began to move. After 10 sessions his body and mood reached overall improvement, he got hope to recover and went for the second rehabilitation planned ahead.

Another interesting story was the 15 year old boy's, who came for therapy because of the pain in his back. The reason for that was the boy's growing up process which was too intensive - growth of the spine was about 20 cm per year. Also, the body had another problem - he seriously stammered, especially when asked something unexpectedly. Stammering was not his in-born problem - this was the result of a strong shock (he witnessed his father's death). The boy himself did not tell about this malaise. Pain in the back disappeared after 3 - 4 sessions. The boy decided to prolong therapy in order to confirm the achievements. When he came to the 10th session, he asked us whether we noticed that something really great happened to him - he was not stammering anymore! His mother was the first to see these beautiful changes in her boy's health. Both asked for additional 10 sessions for, so to say, confirmation of the achievements. 

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